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- ; Modifying this file:
- ; You should not modify this file except to make bugfixes or
- ; for other "maintenance". If you want to make custom changes,
- ; you should create a new datadir subdirectory and copy this file
- ; into that directory, and then modify that copy. Then use the
- ; command "set techs <mysubdir>" in the server to have freeciv
- ; use your new customized file.
- [datafile]
- description="Default technology data for Freeciv (as Civ2, minus a few)"
- options="1.9"
- ; Below: The individual advances, one per section.
- ; The number can be variable, up to 199.
- ;
- ; The actual tag used (the * in [advance_*]) does not matter, except
- ; it must be unique within this file, and it may be used in debug
- ; output when reading this file.
- ;
- ; Notes:
- ;
- ; name = name as seen by user
- ; req1, req2 = advances required before researching this one
- ; flags = special flag strings
- ; helptext = optional help text string (set units ruleset for examples)
- ;
- ; Special values for req1 and req2 are "None" (first section below)
- ; and "Never" (never available). If only one tech is required,
- ; it should be listed as req1.
- ;
- ; Following flag strings are possible
- ;
- ; "Bonus_Tech" = player gets extra tech if rearched first
- ; Note: currently only one tech with this flag is supported
- ; "Boat_Fast" = all sea units get one extra move point
- ; "Bridge" = "Settler" unit types can build bridges over rivers
- ; "Railroad" = "Settler" unit types can build rail roads
- ; "Fortress" = "Settler" unit types can build fortress
- ; "Population_Pollution_Inc" = Increase the pollution factor created by
- ; popultaion by one
- ; "Trade_Revenue_Reduce" = When known by the player establishing a trade
- ; route reduces the initial revenue by cumulative
- ; factors of 2/3
- ; "Airbase" = "Airbase" unit types can build Airbases
- [advance_advanced_flight]
- name = _("Advanced Flight")
- req1 = "Radio"
- req2 = "Machine Tools"
- flags = ""
- [advance_alphabet]
- name = _("Alphabet")
- req1 = "None"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_amphibious_warfare]
- name = _("Amphibious Warfare")
- req1 = "Navigation"
- req2 = "Tactics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_astronomy]
- name = _("Astronomy")
- req1 = "Mysticism"
- req2 = "Mathematics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_atomic_theory]
- name = _("Atomic Theory")
- req1 = "Theory of Gravity"
- req2 = "Physics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_automobile]
- name = _("Automobile")
- req1 = "Combustion"
- req2 = "Steel"
- flags = "Population_Pollution_Inc"
- [advance_banking]
- name = _("Banking")
- req1 = "Trade"
- req2 = "The Republic"
- flags = ""
- [advance_bridge_building]
- name = _("Bridge Building")
- req1 = "Iron Working"
- req2 = "Construction"
- flags = "Bridge"
- [advance_bronze_working]
- name = _("Bronze Working")
- req1 = "None"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_ceremonial_burial]
- name = _("Ceremonial Burial")
- req1 = "None"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_chemistry]
- name = _("Chemistry")
- req1 = "University"
- req2 = "Medicine"
- flags = ""
- [advance_chivalry]
- name = _("Chivalry")
- req1 = "Feudalism"
- req2 = "Horseback Riding"
- flags = ""
- [advance_code_of_laws]
- name = _("Code of Laws")
- req1 = "Alphabet"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_combined_arms]
- name = _("Combined Arms")
- req1 = "Mobile Warfare"
- req2 = "Advanced Flight"
- flags = ""
- [advance_combustion]
- name = _("Combustion")
- req1 = "Refining"
- req2 = "Explosives"
- flags = ""
- [advance_communism]
- name = _("Communism")
- req1 = "Philosophy"
- req2 = "Industrialization"
- flags = ""
- [advance_computers]
- name = _("Computers")
- req1 = "Mass Production"
- req2 = "Miniaturization"
- flags = ""
- [advance_conscription]
- name = _("Conscription")
- req1 = "Democracy"
- req2 = "Metallurgy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_construction]
- name = _("Construction")
- req1 = "Masonry"
- req2 = "Currency"
- flags = "Fortress"
- [advance_currency]
- name = _("Currency")
- req1 = "Bronze Working"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_democracy]
- name = _("Democracy")
- req1 = "Banking"
- req2 = "Invention"
- flags = ""
- [advance_economics]
- name = _("Economics")
- req1 = "Banking"
- req2 = "University"
- flags = ""
- [advance_electricity]
- name = _("Electricity")
- req1 = "Metallurgy"
- req2 = "Magnetism"
- flags = ""
- [advance_electronics]
- name = _("Electronics")
- req1 = "The Corporation"
- req2 = "Electricity"
- flags = ""
- [advance_engineering]
- name = _("Engineering")
- req1 = "The Wheel"
- req2 = "Construction"
- flags = ""
- [advance_environmentalism]
- name = _("Environmentalism")
- req1 = "Never" ; "Recycling"
- req2 = "Never" ; "Space Flight"
- flags = ""
- [advance_espionage]
- name = _("Espionage")
- req1 = "Communism"
- req2 = "Democracy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_explosives]
- name = _("Explosives")
- req1 = "Gunpowder"
- req2 = "Chemistry"
- flags = ""
- [advance_feudalism]
- name = _("Feudalism")
- req1 = "Warrior Code"
- req2 = "Monarchy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_flight]
- name = _("Flight")
- req1 = "Combustion"
- req2 = "Theory of Gravity"
- flags = "Trade_Revenue_Reduce"
- [advance_fundamentalism]
- name = _("Fundamentalism")
- req1 = "Never"; ; "Theology"
- req2 = "Never" ; "Conscription"
- flags = ""
- [advance_fusion_power]
- name = _("Fusion Power")
- req1 = "Nuclear Power"
- req2 = "Superconductors"
- flags = ""
- [advance_genetic_engineering]
- name = _("Genetic Engineering")
- req1 = "Medicine"
- req2 = "The Corporation"
- flags = ""
- [advance_guerilla_warfare]
- name = _("Guerilla Warfare")
- req1 = "Communism"
- req2 = "Tactics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_gunpowder]
- name = _("Gunpowder")
- req1 = "Invention"
- req2 = "Iron Working"
- flags = ""
- [advance_horseback_riding]
- name = _("Horseback Riding")
- req1 = "None"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_industrialization]
- name = _("Industrialization")
- req1 = "Railroad"
- req2 = "Banking"
- flags = "Population_Pollution_Inc"
- [advance_invention]
- name = _("Invention")
- req1 = "Engineering"
- req2 = "Literacy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_iron_working]
- name = _("Iron Working")
- req1 = "Bronze Working"
- req2 = "Warrior Code"
- flags = ""
- [advance_labor_union]
- name = _("Labor Union")
- req1 = "Mass Production"
- req2 = "Guerilla Warfare"
- flags = ""
- [advance_laser]
- name = _("Laser")
- req1 = "Mass Production"
- req2 = "Nuclear Power"
- flags = ""
- [advance_leadership]
- name = _("Leadership")
- req1 = "Chivalry"
- req2 = "Gunpowder"
- flags = ""
- [advance_literacy]
- name = _("Literacy")
- req1 = "Writing"
- req2 = "Code of Laws"
- flags = ""
- [advance_machine_tools]
- name = _("Machine Tools")
- req1 = "Steel"
- req2 = "Tactics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_magnetism]
- name = _("Magnetism")
- req1 = "Iron Working"
- req2 = "Physics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_map_making]
- name = _("Map Making")
- req1 = "Alphabet"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_masonry]
- name = _("Masonry")
- req1 = "None"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_mass_production]
- name = _("Mass Production")
- req1 = "Automobile"
- req2 = "The Corporation"
- flags = "Population_Pollution_Inc"
- [advance_mathematics]
- name = _("Mathematics")
- req1 = "Alphabet"
- req2 = "Masonry"
- flags = ""
- [advance_medicine]
- name = _("Medicine")
- req1 = "Philosophy"
- req2 = "Trade"
- flags = ""
- [advance_metallurgy]
- name = _("Metallurgy")
- req1 = "Gunpowder"
- req2 = "University"
- flags = ""
- [advance_miniaturization]
- name = _("Miniaturization")
- req1 = "Machine Tools"
- req2 = "Electronics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_mobile_warfare]
- name = _("Mobile Warfare")
- req1 = "Automobile"
- req2 = "Tactics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_monarchy]
- name = _("Monarchy")
- req1 = "Ceremonial Burial"
- req2 = "Code of Laws"
- flags = ""
- [advance_monotheism]
- name = _("Monotheism")
- req1 = "Philosophy"
- req2 = "Polytheism"
- flags = ""
- [advance_mysticism]
- name = _("Mysticism")
- req1 = "Ceremonial Burial"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_navigation]
- name = _("Navigation")
- req1 = "Seafaring"
- req2 = "Astronomy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_nuclear_fission]
- name = _("Nuclear Fission")
- req1 = "Mass Production"
- req2 = "Atomic Theory"
- flags = ""
- [advance_nuclear_power]
- name = _("Nuclear Power")
- req1 = "Nuclear Fission"
- req2 = "Electronics"
- flags = "Boat_Fast"
- [advance_philosophy]
- name = _("Philosophy")
- req1 = "Mysticism"
- req2 = "Literacy"
- flags = "Bonus_Tech"
- [advance_physics]
- name = _("Physics")
- req1 = "Literacy"
- req2 = "Navigation"
- flags = ""
- [advance_plastics]
- name = _("Plastics")
- req1 = "Refining"
- req2 = "Space Flight"
- flags = "Population_Pollution_Inc"
- [advance_polytheism]
- name = _("Polytheism")
- req1 = "Horseback Riding"
- req2 = "Ceremonial Burial"
- flags = ""
- [advance_pottery]
- name = _("Pottery")
- req1 = "None"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_radio]
- name = _("Radio")
- req1 = "Flight"
- req2 = "Electricity"
- flags = "Airbase"
- [advance_railroad]
- name = _("Railroad")
- req1 = "Steam Engine"
- req2 = "Bridge Building"
- flags = "Railroad","Trade_Revenue_Reduce"
- [advance_recycling]
- name = _("Recycling")
- req1 = "Mass Production"
- req2 = "Democracy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_refining]
- name = _("Refining")
- req1 = "Chemistry"
- req2 = "The Corporation"
- flags = ""
- [advance_refrigeration]
- name = _("Refrigeration")
- req1 = "Sanitation"
- req2 = "Electricity"
- flags = ""
- [advance_robotics]
- name = _("Robotics")
- req1 = "Mobile Warfare"
- req2 = "Computers"
- flags = ""
- [advance_rocketry]
- name = _("Rocketry")
- req1 = "Advanced Flight"
- req2 = "Electronics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_sanitation]
- name = _("Sanitation")
- req1 = "Engineering"
- req2 = "Medicine"
- flags = ""
- [advance_seafaring]
- name = _("Seafaring")
- req1 = "Pottery"
- req2 = "Map Making"
- flags = ""
- [advance_space_flight]
- name = _("Space Flight")
- req1 = "Computers"
- req2 = "Rocketry"
- flags = ""
- [advance_stealth]
- name = _("Stealth")
- req1 = "Superconductors"
- req2 = "Robotics"
- flags = ""
- [advance_steam_engine]
- name = _("Steam Engine")
- req1 = "Physics"
- req2 = "Invention"
- flags = ""
- [advance_steel]
- name = _("Steel")
- req1 = "Electricity"
- req2 = "Industrialization"
- flags = ""
- [advance_superconductors]
- name = _("Superconductors")
- req1 = "Nuclear Power"
- req2 = "Laser"
- flags = ""
- [advance_tactics]
- name = _("Tactics")
- req1 = "Conscription"
- req2 = "Leadership"
- flags = ""
- [advance_the_corporation]
- name = _("The Corporation")
- req1 = "Economics"
- req2 = "Industrialization"
- flags = ""
- [advance_the_republic]
- name = _("The Republic")
- req1 = "Code of Laws"
- req2 = "Literacy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_the_wheel]
- name = _("The Wheel")
- req1 = "Horseback Riding"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_theology]
- name = _("Theology")
- req1 = "Feudalism"
- req2 = "Monotheism"
- flags = ""
- [advance_theory_of_gravity]
- name = _("Theory of Gravity")
- req1 = "Astronomy"
- req2 = "University"
- flags = ""
- [advance_trade]
- name = _("Trade")
- req1 = "Currency"
- req2 = "Code of Laws"
- flags = ""
- [advance_university]
- name = _("University")
- req1 = "Mathematics"
- req2 = "Philosophy"
- flags = ""
- [advance_warrior_code]
- name = _("Warrior Code")
- req1 = "None"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""
- [advance_writing]
- name = _("Writing")
- req1 = "Alphabet"
- req2 = "None"
- flags = ""